In 2021, Enter Gallery announced that, in order to offset our impact on the planet, we would be working with Connecting the Roots – a Brighton-based charity fighting to reverse damage to our planet via projects that restore biodiversity across the world.
So far, Enter Gallery have donated £30,000 from their £100,000 pledge to Connecting the Roots’ project over in Costa Rica – a country badly affected by deforestation in the name of cattle farming. The Nicoya Peninsula, where the project is located, has been identified as vital to the fight against climate change.
Enter Gallery’s funding has helped the team to establish a nursery, a solar energy system, and a sustainable water system to service the project. It has also helped the project to purchase over 600 trees to be planted on-site.
Today, we’re chatting to Hen Azenkot, the man on the ground over in Costa Rica, to provide an update on how the project is progressing, and to learn what’s on the agenda for 2023…
Tree Planting
Last year, funds were used to purchase trees that are endemic to the area. By re-populating the land with the species that nature intended to be there, the eco-system that once was can be restored. We chatted to Hen about how the trees are getting on…
“Last year, we planted over 600 trees and plants across the site. The team have been hard at work maintaining them to ensure they thrive, and to clear the invasive species we have here that threaten their health. Currently, they are doing well but the next three months is an important time as it is Costa Rica’s hot season and some plants don’t fare too well in the heat. We’ll be taking extra special care of them during this period.”
A Thriving Nursery
Enter Gallery’s initial donation went towards establishing a nursery on-site where seeds can be cultivated and cared for until they are strong enough to be transferred to their permanent homes on the land. Hen tells us:
“We’re still learning what we can and can’t grow, and sadly we lost a lot of plants due to the humidity and lack of sun during the rainy season. Our knowledge has improved and our luck appears to be changing as right now, the plants in our nursery are thriving.”
Tackling land erosion
We asked Hen what Connecting the Roots will be focusing on in 2023, and he revealed:
“This year, we plan to begin a project to tackle land erosion. We will be planting specific species in specific locations to secure unstable land and prevent further erosion. The hardwood trees that we will be purchasing for this project all come from a local foundation that specialise in rewilding and land preservation. We’re excited to work alongside this like-minded foundation to further our knowledge, while getting the ball rolling on a project that is vital to restoring the biodiversity of the area.”
A visit from an artist…
You might recall that in 2022, Enter Gallery hosted Ink and Paper – Montreal-based artist, Mateo Humano’s, first UK solo show.
Well, a couple of weeks ago, Mateo popped into the Connecting the Roots project over in Costa Rica to meet the team and enjoy a tour of the site. Here are some snaps of Mateo being shown around.
Coming in 2023…
In 2023, Enter Gallery have big fundraising plans for Connecting the Roots. Our fundraising efforts kick off with our upcoming Sample Sale, which is taking place on 25th and 26th February in Hanover. At the sale, you’ll be able to snap up limited edition art from an incredible selection of contemporary artists at discounted prices of up to 75%.
Here are all the details you need.
Also ahead in 2023, Enter Gallery will be holding an auction featuring exclusive original and limited edition artworks donated to the cause from our roster of artists. Details are yet to be confirmed, but you can sign up to our newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out on any announcements.
Learn more about Connecting the Roots over on this website, or if you’re interested in getting involved in the project, drop us a line at