Pop Up Cinema! Film Screenings in our Brighton gallery


Join us for the screening of a true cult classic with a rebellious spirit and a pop art soul in our Brighton gallery.

Sunday 22nd March at 7.15pm

This month are hosting a very special, ‘Secret Movie Club’ with White Wall Cinema in our gallery space for an immersive evening of art and culture.

The theme will be, ‘The Art of Rebellion’ as we present a true cult classic with a rebellious spirit and a pop art soul, keeping the identity of the movie a secret until the opening credits roll!

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The rebellious spirit of the artist manifests itself in many forms but film making is so notoriously rigid it it’s production that finding a truly rebellious (yet still watchable) film is hard to find. This film is one of the rule breakers! A hidden gem that breaks the mould and has fun while doing it, it has all the cinematic ingredients of a classic but cooked up to create something entirely fresh and new.

Put your trust in the art experts and join our Secret Movie Club for a unique cinema experience in the heart of Brighton.




Limited Edition Art Prints | Enter Gallery