Video: Magnus Gjoen solo exhibition 'Break Glass for a New Beginning' at artrepublic Soho

View our exclusive tour of ‘Break Glass for a New Beginning’ by the artist himself. Magnus Gjoen walks us round his impressive solo exhibition discussing the show’s origins, where he got his inspiration and how he had to re-read the bible to make it all happen. In mixing the old with something new Magnus Gjoen creates contemporary works which ask, ‘If we could start again what would we do differently?’

Escape from Eden – “We are always used to this notion that Eden is the perfect place. Maybe they don’t want to be in Eden? Maybe it’s better where we are now? Even the angels, they actually want a bit of fun, they want to sin and they’re breaking out.”

Break Glass in Case of Judgement Day & Break Glass For Reincarnation - “The notion behind these pictures is that of the 'City of the Dead', where you have infinite time. It’s based on old architectural buildings which are put together in a sort of digital collage.”

It's A Fearful Thing To Love Something That Death Can Touch – “These are representing two religions in a way, fighting together. Neither of them is going to back down and if they don’t come to a solution, if they move, the pin will come out of the grenade and they’re both going to blow up.”

Mala Fide – “It means ‘in bad faith’ in Latin. It is a comment on wars in the world that have been started because of religion and everything that religion has done to the world since the beginning of time. “