On the next stop of the tour, Lucy introduces us to more of Ghost Town's residents...
"For Ghost Town, I also created a range of prints to compliment the high street. Each one is an original piece, created especially for the show and framed in a beautiful vintage frame.
As is my MO, I took a collection of traditional oil paintings and transformed them into contemporary landscapes to compliment the high street. Each piece depicts different Ghost Town residents that you won’t find in the park.
We have Dotty in Tea for One, who takes her Reader's Digest to Belcher's Café every day for a cup of tea and a slice of something nice, hoping that this will be the day that someone will speak to her. The staff always pass the time of day but nothing beats putting the world to rights with a friend. Since the community hall closed down, the greengrocers became a mobile phone repair shop and the haberdashery a vape shop, Dotty has no one to talk to. Sometimes she feels so lonely her heart literally hurts.
And check out that giant Westfield? No wonder no one shops at the local ladies' boutique any more when there's an enormous Primark right on their doorstep.
What’s happening with that horse that’s been wheel clamped? Poor Mr Smythe got caught out. He went to B&Q for some tiles, got home and realised he'd forgotten the grout so rushed back only to be caught out by their 'no return' rule. He's definitely going to be appealing!
We also have mates enjoying Pub Life, drinking the day away in the Wetherspoons (which replaced The Cock tavern, est. 1460), a family receiving a pizza delivery and a lady tending to her garden while her child bounces away behind her on the trampoline."
View Haus of Lucy’s Ghost Town collection.
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