Ghost Town: Tea and Biscuits

Ghost Town: Tea and Biscuits

On the next stop on the tour, Haus of Lucy explains her Cup of Tea sculptures, and why there is nothing better than a cuppa and a chat with a friend...

"One of the casualties of the demise of the high street is the loss of community. Now that there are fewer places for people to gather, it is becoming harder and harder for people to connect.

I have always associated drinking tea with community, the sharing of news and gossip, a sense of belonging. I wanted to create a 'tea station' filled with sculptures of tea where people visiting the Ghost Town exhibition can sit and chat.

Each tea sculpture is made from a mixture of mortar, resin and ceramic paint which I used to colour the resin, always with a freshly-made cup of tea at hand for colour reference.

The biscuits are made from moulds cast from actual biscuits and are painted with acrylics - again, with a real biscuit in hand for colour reference. This was my favourite bit!

In terms of the cups and saucers, I wanted to present my tea in Beryl Ware, which was produced and designed during the war, when shortages decried that design should be simple and use as few resources as possible. Beryl Ware is synonymous with jumble sales, school cheese and wine nights and church halls. To me, it represents community, so no other crockery would have been suitable.

There is also a selection of vintage crockery featuring modern flourishes that hint at life in Ghost Town, and saucers depicting the people of Ghost Town's favourite restaurants."

View Haus of Lucy’s Ghost Town collection.

Continue your tour of Ghost Town by clicking the links below:

Welcome to Ghost Town

Ghost Town: The High Street

Ghost Town: The Park

Ghost Town: The People of Ghost Town

Ghost Town: Neighbourhood Watch

Ghost Town: Tea and Biscuits

Ghost Town: Tea and Biscuits Artworks